Salt-Minion on Azure VM not responding? [Quicky]

Björn Strate
1 min readSep 18, 2020

I came across a problem that my Saltstack Minions running on Azure VMs suddenly stopped responding to my external Salt-Master. “Minion did not return” and “Minions returned with non-zero exit code” are the error messages. Seems like a long closed bug is back.

Luckily the old workaround still works!

Photo by Amy Rollo on Unsplash

On Ubuntu and Debian open your Minion config file /etc/salt/minion and add:

tcp_keepalive: True
tcp_keepalive_idle: 60

Restart Salt-Minon — Tada!



Björn Strate

Problemsolver from Germany with a passion for Fnord.